Sunday, February 15, 2009

Welcome To My New Blog

Hello Everyone!

My name is Christen and I am a married, working mother of four children. I have two biological children, Abigail who is 9 and Zachary who is 5, and two children that we adopted from China, Hailey who is 3 and Jacob who is 2. My oldest son Zachary was diagnosed with Autism at age 2 and I have spent the last several years of my life diving into as much information as I can about how to raise a child with Autism. My life is not easy and often times I get frustrated and tired. Thus, I decided to start this blog to give some insight into our daily life as we raise a child on the more severe end of the spectrum. My wish is for it to give ideas and hope to those who are also raising a child on the spectrum, as well as give those who know someone with a child like Zachary a bit more understanding about what families like ours goes through on a daily basis. I plan to include bits of advice that I have found to be beneficial as well as links to sites that we use in our own lives to make raising Zachary easier. Thank you for joining us!